Tuesday 12 May 2015

These fills all use demisemiquaver notes (32nd notes), in various different rhythmical combinations, which also use semiquavers (16th notes) too. These fills are orchestrated on the snare and toms. 

These fills are all based on basic rudiments, which are themselves, based mostly on doubles, with some single strokes as well, orchestrated on the snare drum and toms. 

In these fills, we start introducing flams. These can be played as right hand lead or left hand lead flams. There is also the use of the bass drum and different rhythmical combinations of quavers and crotchets.   

In these fills, we start putting the bass drum in, to add a new element to our fills and to use hand and foot combinations. Most of the fills just use consecutive semiquavers, but some also use quavers too.

These fills are based on getting use to moving around the kit, with your hands. The fills on the left move clockwise around the kit and the fills on the right move counter clockwise, which is more unusual, except for fill 8, which uses both clockwise and counter clockwise motions. All the fills are supposed to be played using alternating single strokes. The fills on the left start with the right hand, and the fills on the right start using the left hand, except for fill 8, where you can use either right hand or left hand leads. 

These fills are made to be played on the snare drum. They are based on different rhythmical patterns, consisting of crotchets, quavers and semiquavers.

These fills are all based on combinations of quaver and semi-quaver notes, orchestrated on the snare drum and toms, to be played using alternating single strokes.