Monday 2 February 2015

How to set up a Drum Kit

When it comes to drum kits, the perfect set-up is whichever one that makes playing as easy and natural as possible for you. This being said, the majority of kits are set up in a standard, balanced configuration that most drummers find easy to work with. 

1. Gather all the necessary pieces for your drum set. In addition to the drums and cymbals themselves, you'll also want to make sure you have a small but important tool called a drum key. This tool is used to tighten and loosen some of the smaller bolts in the drum kit and is essential if you ever need to disassemble one of the drums (like, for instance, if you need to replace a head) as well as being used for general tuning purposes. For a standard-size drum kit, your kit will probably include
most, if not all, of the following drum pieces:

• Snare drum
• Bass (kick) drum (with pedal)
• Hi-hat cymbal
• Crash cymbal
• Ride Cymbal
• Toms and/or floor tom
• Throne (the "stool" you sit on)
• Stands for all of the above

 2. Find a suitable area to set up your drum set. You'll want an area with enough room that you'll be able to set up your drum kit without crowding the pieces together. When you play, you should be able to make fluid, natural movements. Positioning your pieces too close together can make playing somewhat difficult and can even negatively impact your sound (like, for instance, if a cymbal bangs into an adjacent drum when it's struck).

 • Though drum sets with different numbers of pieces will naturally take up different amounts of space, a good rule of thumb is that a given area of floor space is big enough for your kit if you can lay on the ground spread out your limbs without touching anything.

 3. Take the opportunity to perform any maintenance now. Before you begin to assemble your drum set, you may want to give your pieces a quick once-over to look for any problems that may require maintenance. If you spot anything that's out of order, you'll want to address these problems now, rather than later, as disassembling your entire drum kit to perform maintenance on some small part can be a tremendous pain. Below are just a few common issues you may want to look for:

• Worn-out drum heads
• Squeaky kick drum pedals
• "Bald" rubber support feet
• Dust and grime build-up from normal use

4. Position your bass drum centrally. The bass drum is the first drum you'll set up - from this, you'll build up the rest of the drum set. Set the bass drum on the floor vertically so that the outer head (which usually contains the logo or brand name) faces away from where you intend to sit.

 5. Install the bass drum's legs. Grab the two metal legs that attach to the bass drum and slip them into the holes on either side of the drum. Tighten the brackets hold by turning the knobs. Be sure that the legs reach all the way to the ground and are angled slightly forward so that they can support most of the drum's weight as you press on the foot pedal. Some drum sets will come with pre-attached legs that you must loosen, drop to the floor, and then tighten.

• Note that some bass drum legs will have spikes on the tips and others will have rubber 'feet'. For carpeted floors, you can use either, but avoid using spiked legs on a hard surface such as wood flooring, as these can leave gouges and marks.

6. Install the bass drum pedal. Usually, the foot pedal you use to play the bass (kick) drum with is secured to the bottom edge of the bass drum hoop with a screw-on "bracket". Slip the bottom edge of the foot pedal assembly under the bottom centre of the bass drum hoop, then tighten the upper part of the pedal assembly by turning its screw. The pedal should "clamp" onto the bottom edge of the bass drum, holding itself in place.

• Other pedal configurations (like double bass pedals) will have more complex assembly processes. Consult any instructions included with your pedals for more information.

7. Place your throne (drum stool) behind the bass drum and adjust it to the proper height. Use the knob or lever underneath the cushion of your throne to make the throne taller or shorter. The throne seat and stand are separate parts, so these will need to be put together first. The bottom of the actual seat will slot into the top cylindrical part of the throne stand. From here, you can then use the knobs/levers, which may look like drum keys, to tighten the seat to the stool, making sure your drum throne stays in one piece. Then position your drum stool behind the bass drum, making sure it is on the side where the pedal is.

8. Assemble the snare drum in its stand. The snare drum usually sits in a short stand with three adjustable horizontal arms that hold it in place - usually, the ends of these arms are rubberised to keep the snare from moving while you play it. The stand itself is fairly easy to set up - simply spread the legs at the bottom so that the stand stays upright (tightening the knob to keep the legs in this position) and use the mechanism at the top to lift and adjust the angles of the arms.

• The snare should sit securely in the stand's arms at a roughly horizontal angle, though, again, any positioning that's comfortable for you is valid. For instance, Daru Jones, a drummer who has toured with artists including Jack White, plays his drums in an unconventional arrangement, with some of his drums slanted downward toward the floor.

9. Adjust the snare to a comfortable height. Loosen the main nut on the snare stand to adjust its height via the telescoping central column. You'll want your snare at a level that allows you to play it without hitting your legs. This is usually a little higher than the tops of your knees.

• For most rock-style playing, you'll want the snare to sit in front of and slightly to the left of the kick drum so that you can hit it with the left hand stick (assuming a right-handed set-up) with the stick nearly flat. This allows for a good crack and the ability to make a 'rim-shot' hit as needed.

10. Mount the toms on the bass drum. Most bass drums include a metal bracket on top that will allow you to mount two toms in a way similar to how you mounted the bass drum's legs. Usually, there will be two separate holes on top of the bass drum - one for each tom's metal mounting pole. Sometimes there may only be one hole, in which case you'll have to mount both toms on one central pole. To mount them, you simply slip the tom clamps over and down the poles. After mounting the toms on the pole/poles, remember to then tighten the knobs on the tom clamps, to secure the way the toms are positioned. Note that the precise way that the toms attach may differ between drum brands, so make sure to check any included factory set-up instructions if you are unsure of how to proceed.

• The precise positioning of the toms is a personal preference. However, you should make sure they are positioned close enough and at a proper angle to allow quick switching between toms when seated (usually this means you'll want the heads angled slightly towards you and slightly towards each other).

11. Attach the floor tom's legs and position it in a suitable spot. Most floor toms have long, thin metal legs with rubber feet and a small "bend" so that the feet can be offset from the edges of the drum. Loosen the knobs on the side of the floor tom and insert the legs (feet facing down). Tighten the knobs so that the drum sits slightly above the feet and is well-balanced. Sit in the throne and give it a few good hits to ensure it won't move while you play it.

• Usually, assuming a right-handed set up, the floor tom sits in front of and to the right of the bass drum so that it can be comfortably hit with the right hand.

12. Make the height of the Floor Tom equal or close to that of the snare. You'll want to be able to to play your floor tom without any unnecessary effort, so adjust its legs until it's roughly horizontal and roughly at the level of your snare drum.

• Of course, as mentioned above, if an alternate positioning makes it easier for you to play, feel free to use it.

13. Unfold the hihat stand and add the bottom cymbal. The hi hat stand is a straight, medium-height stand that usually has an attached pedal and three legs at the bottom. Spread the legs out to give the hihat a wide base of support, tightening the knob to secure their position. Then, slide the bottom hihat cymbal on top of the hihat stand so that the "cupped" side points up. This means you'll have to thread the narrow top part of the high hat stand through the hole in the centre of the cymbal. This cymbal just sits in its place - it does not screw into anything.

• If you're having trouble telling the difference between the top and bottom hihat cymbals, usually, the top cymbal will bear the name and logo of the manufacturer, while the bottom one will be relatively unmarked. Often, the two cymbals are essentially constructed identically, so you may not even need to worry.

14. Install the top hihat cymbal. Unscrew the bottom nut on the hihat clutch - this is what holds the top hihat cymbal to the hihat stand. Place the top hihat cymbal between the two felt pads inside the hihat Clutch. Screw the nut back on the bottom and put the hihat clutch onto the hihat stand. Press the pedal down to whatever degree suits you and tighten the knob, securing the top hihat cymbal (with the clutch) to the hihat stand. Test the hihat by playing it while pressing the pedal. It should produce a thin "click" when the pedal is pressed down and a loud "hiss" when the pedal isn't pressed down.

• Usually, the hihat sits to the left of the snare so that it can be hit with the right hand stick (which "crosses over" the top of the left hand stick on the snare). The pedal is usually pressed with the left foot.

15. Install the ride cymbal on its stand. Usually, the ride cymbal comes with a stand that has a curved base with three supporting legs and an upper portion that stands at an angle. Spread the legs to support the stand, tightening the knob to secure their position, then unscrew the nut at the top of the stand and position the ride cymbal between the two felt pads. Re-tighten the nut, but not too tight - the cymbal should be allowed to "swing" if it's hit hard. Finally, tighten the knob/knobs on the stand and adjust the height of the cymbal to a comfortable level.

• Generally, the ride cymbal is positioned on the right side of the drum kit, over and behind the floor tom and the bass drum.

16. Install the crash and any other cymbals. Most standard drum kits also have at least one crash cymbal. The stand for this cymbal may have an adjustable arm like that of the ride cymbal or may simply sit straight up and down. Regardless, the crash cymbal is installed in basically the same way as the ride. Don't forget to keep from re-tightening the nut too tightly - it's important for cymbals to be able to move fairly freely.

• The crash usually is positioned on the left side of the drum kit, over and behind the bass drum and hihat. Any additional cymbals are usually spaced around the sides and back of the kick drum.

17. Test your drum kit out. Congratulations - assuming it has no additional accessories, your drum kit should be completely set up. Give it a quick test to ensure that all the pieces are properly-positioned and in working order. Make sure that you can reach every piece of the kit so that you can play without any difficulty.

• Some drummers like to customize their set-up with additional drums and accessories. Below are just a few common options you may want to consider:

   ◦ Double bass pedals ◦ Cowbells/Jam blocks
   ◦ Additional toms (sometimes tuned to specific notes)
   ◦ Chimes, bells, and other auxiliary percussion instruments

• Try turning your Toms so they angle towards your snare this makes getting to them a little easier while you play.
• Remember, every drum set is positioned to the drummer’s preference so make sure you are comfortable in the set-up of your set.
• There is no right or wrong way to set up a drum set. Make sure the set-up is comfortable for you.
• When carrying cymbals in bags and cases, never allow metal on metal, always use a felt washer and/or a plastic sleeve.
• Loosen the knob before you adjust your kit to prevent damages and scratches on it's hardware.
• Set your toms a little closer to each other so it will be easier for you to do quick rolls and switch rolls.

• If you have a wooden drum set do not put it in a very humid area as this could cause major damage to the wood. This also includes cleaning your wooden set with any water.
• This being a loud instrument, be sure you have some way to dampen the sound if you plan to play when others are present who may not wish to listen to you play.
• This is a loud instrument, so be sure you have ear protection. Without them hearing problems can occur.

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